Regular price
10,000.00 ฿
Start your dream bubble tea shop!
Conducted in English
by Riza Sri of YouTube https://youtube.com/@rizasri and
author of books ‘All Things Milk Tea’ and ‘The Basic Barista’
How long is the workshop? 2 days 12:30-17:30pm
How many participants per session? 3-5
Where is the workshop? Bangkok Thailand
Conducted in English
by Riza Sri of YouTube https://youtube.com/@rizasri and
author of books ‘All Things Milk Tea’ and ‘The Basic Barista’
How long is the workshop? 2 days 12:30-17:30pm
How many participants per session? 3-5
Where is the workshop? Bangkok Thailand
What will you learn?
- Factors to consider when starting a Bubble Tea Business
- Introduction to Bubble Tea
- Selecting the right tea for you.
- Selecting the right milk and sweeteners
- Required equipment.
- Making your own syrups
- Cooking the perfect tapioca pearls – all the time!
- Making different toppings
- Tea Brewing Methods
- Classic Milk Tea Series (Taiwanese, Thai, Japanese)
- Brown Sugar Series
- Pastel Milk Tea Series
- Butterfly Pea Tea Series
- Fruit Tea Series
- Chocolate Series
- Amazing Fudge Series
- Signature Frappe/Smoothies Series
This course is primarily designed for those wanting to start their own milk tea business. For those already in the business, the content of the course provide basic and advanced skills to upgrade their existing business.
The course includes a copy of the book 'All Things Milk Tea'